Plan your holiday:

Room selection

Living examples

Cancellation and prepayment conditions

The cancellation and prepayment conditions change depending on the room category (special offers, last minute rate, long stay rate, etc.) when you book online. For online reservations by entering the period, the number of people and the desired room for your stay in the following field "Book room online" you can:

  • inform yourself about the prices.
  • Inform about cancellation and prepayment conditions.
  • determine the availability of the rooms.
  • get to know all special offers for the specified period.
  • Book a room online.

Arrival and Departure

Rooms are available from 2 p.m. on the day of arrival. Departure by 10 a.m.

  • Check-in / Arrival: from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Check-out / Departure: from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Children and extra beds

The following guidelines apply when the number of guests exceeds the maximum occupancy in the room:

Age Bed-typ

Price per

under 2 Jahre Baby cot 10.- EUR
from 2 bis 5 Jahre Extra bed 35,- EUR
from 6 bis 13 Jahre Extra bed

40,- EUR

from 14 Jahre Extra bed 50,- EUR
under 2 Jahre existing bed free!
from 2 bis 5 Jahre existing bed 35,- EUR
from 6 bis 13 Jahre existing bed 40,- EUR
from 14 Jahre existing bed 50,- EUR

Your holiday at Landhaus Gitti

"Best price guarantee" guarantees the lowest price!
This guarantees you the lowest price - you will not find the offer cheaper anywhere. Benefit from our best price guarantee and get the best price when you book directly with us!